Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Power Posing_Part 2

Amy J.C. Cuddy is an assistant professor at Harvard Business School in Boston. Dana Carney is an assistant professor at UCal-Berkeley. In “Overcoming Fear” (Hellen Moare post_click here to revisit), the point was made that FEAR is an enigma in that to seek a resolution to its dilemma, we should focus on developing the characteristics that are present when it is absent (fearless). Hate is the absence of Love. Darkness is the absence of Light. It is part of the human psyche to have fearful moments. In fact, it is a survival trait called the fight or flight gene (I think). Adrenaline is associated with this expression of fear. Going further, fear paralyzes those whose “story” is too compelling to allow them to move forward. They are often powerless to act. “Life hack” has become a phrase that implies breaking the grip that life’s challenges have on us. It is simply a work-around that makes us more productive, less stress-filled, and thus able to enjoy this gift that we call